Château Fourcas Hosten

General conditions of use


Published by
Château Fourcas Hosten
Head office: Château Fourcas Hosten
33480 Listrac-Médoc, France
Telephone: +33 556 580 115
Fax: +33 556 580 673
SIREN company identification no.: 302 163 548

Publication manager
Renaud Momméja, Manager

Graphics by
Studio Pomelo –

Development and animation by
Milk –

Website hosted by
Milk –

Photo credits
Julie Rey

Château Fourcas Hosten

Mentions légales

This website in its entirety is protected by French and international law with regard to copyright and intellectual property.
Alcohol abuse is harmful for health; please drink responsibly.
All reproduction rights are reserved.

Intellectual property
This website and all items featuring in it, such as brands, logos, graphics, photographs, etc. are protected as intellectual property as defined in Articles 111.1 and following of the French Code of Intellectual property. The texts of this website can under no circumstances be reproduced in any form whatever, without the express authorisation of Château Fourcas Hosten. Any reproduction without such authorisation from Château Fourcas Hosten constitutes infringement of copyright.

Data protection
Thank you for visiting our website. Château Fourcas Hosten considers security and data protection to be extremely important. Protecting people’s rights is part of our company culture and is included in our services and products. We respect the security of your personal data. Therefore, Château Fourcas Hosten strives to continuously improve its data security measures in order to protect you and your private life. This declaration explains what type of information we keep, when you visit our website and how we use it. This declaration does not apply to websites managed by companies that are not part of Château Fourcas Hosten, but which may contain a link to this site or one of Château Fourcas Hosten’s other websites.

Right of access
In application of French law no. 78-17 relative to information, files and liberties dated 6th January1978, web users have a right to gain access to, to correct and delete information about them, by contacting Château Fourcas Hosten at

This website may contain links to other websites or other internet sources. To the extent that Château Fourcas Hosten cannot check these websites and sources, it cannot be held responsible for the availability of these websites and external sources and can in no way be held liable for content, advertising, products or services or any other material available on or from these websites or external sources. Furthermore, Château Fourcas Hosten cannot be held responsible for any proven or alleged damages or loss following or in relation with the use or the fact of having trusted any content, goods or services available on these websites or from these external sources.

Protection of minors
In application of Article L. 3342-1 of the French Code of Public Health, that stipulates that the sale of alcohol to minors less than eighteen (18) years of age is forbidden, you undertake on visiting Château Fourcas Hosten to have passed the age of eighteen (18) when you visit. Furthermore, foreign customers undertake to comply with the laws of their respective countries.

Please send any questions, suggestions or special requests to modify, suspend or delete your personal data to Château Fourcas Hosten: